A large theatre room
in full daylight
in the audience, lots of families
and children

On stage, an expanse of light-coloured wood 
with ramps, platforms
and short, curved slopes

A dozen young people are already in action 
uninterrupted noise of skateboards
sliding and banging against the floor

No official start for this show
which is building like an afternoon 
one teenager brings a loudspeaker
the other a guitar
the music is repetitive
like the coming and going of skateboards

The clothes are simple
and it's the accessories 
that electrify the group
masks, cape
overalls worn shirtless
mid-thigh socks

You can feel the pleasure of bodies in motion 
like this young girl exulting 
after successfully completing a difficult jump 
(first time? scripted joy?)
but especially the enthusiasm of those
who we guess are the rare real dancer

The pleasure intensifies 
when the volume and the speed increases
when the frenzy takes over the stage 
and the microphones

Those moments that children
tell us about when they come home exhausted
conscious of having experienced 
something extraordinary

These are the moments that Mette Ingvartsen 
wants to recreate for us

but it's not easy to enclose in a theatre 
what slides, jostles, hijacks 
recreating a skatepark as it is
is expensive and heavy

And it's true that sliding is beautiful
but it's not the same as dancing
when body and space are used 
to convey lasting thoughts
that draw on what exists but transform it 
to take the audience's elsewhere
than in their usual considerations

and skate bring plenty of material

Questioning places 
with a skatepark halfway between 
 an urban enclosure and a training camp 
to take over

or the object-skateboard
like mini-scenes in motion 
where we film each other
portable boards for a theatrical life 
where we no longer have feet 

and, of course, this relationship with time 
endleess rehearsal, incessant back and forth 
that turn time into a distended spiral
which is broken by sudden bursts
to spread out again 

We would have like the choreography 
to do more than what already exist
to take off 
and the money to be put in dance
and not on heavy sets 

Gliding is so light

Roshan Di Puppo

A must-see the film by Ans Mertens
Reel Real Double Time
about the skateboarding scene in Antwerp
presented in April 2023 at Het Bos